Saturday, August 22, 2009

Five years old...

My dear sweet precious baby girl. Five years ago today, you were born into this world - one of the greatest gifts God would ever give me. He knew you from the moment you were conceived, and He made you with the plan for you to be our daughter in mind. I still am amazed that God chose us. I get the privilege of being your Mommy! YOU are so precious to me.

Every day as I watch you grow, I see a little more of the precious spirit God has gifted you with. You are so caring and sweet. Just tonight on the way home from your birthday party, you were telling KaiKai, "I'm your big sister and if you ever fall, I will be there to help you. When you drop something, I pick it up for you. Because your still little, and you need my help!" WOW! What a blessing that KaiKai gets you as his big sister.

You are so helpful. If you see Mommmy making dinner, you will drop everything you are doing or ignore the movie you were watching and come ask if you can help me! I love the way you always want to eat the carrots and cucumbers I am cutting up. I am so proud of how you can crack eggs and mix up all my ingredients for me. You can almost make French toast all by yourself, you can do everything but cooking it on the fire. You also help put away laundry. You LOVE to help feed and care for you baby brother. You have been given the gift of helping!

You love to learn! Your favorite birthday gift was a learning set of blocks that Mommy and Daddy gave you. You have been wanting them for weeks, since I gave them to Ma-kun as his birthday gift. I was so happy to give them to you and so proud that it was the first thing you wanted to pull out and play with when we got home! You are going to be such a wonderful student in our home school! I look forward to teaching you!

You are so happy and funny! I am so glad that Jesus put so much joy in your heart! I pray you will always be able to find that joy, no matter what happens. It is something that draws other people to you. I don't know if you will ever be able to comprehend just how MANY people adore you. I pray you'll learn to use this gift for God's glory and to share his LOVE and joy with others!

I could spend hours and hours talking about just how special you are. In only five short little years you have made me the happiest Mommy in the world. I really look forward to watching you grow and change.

Mommy loves you more than you could ever imagine. Thank you for being my precious baby girl! Happy Birthday!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting ready for homeschooling...

I have been talking to Hana about home school for months now. We bought some preschool activity books at costco and at times she and I sit down and I let her work on the pages. This has really helped to get her ready and excited about home schooling. She can not wait to start!

Here are some pictures of her enjoying some home school practice activities...

We got this set of cards that are erasable! She loves practicing her letters on these and then she can just wipe it clean and start again. Mommy likes it too ;)

One of her favorite parts of homeschool is putting a sticker on the page when she is done! The cat got some new eyes on this "C" page today...

She is getting soooooooooo much better about taking her time and coloring well. When she started she would just scribble across the picture to get the job out of the way as soon as possible! Now she takes her time and tries to fill in the whole object! Someday she'll care about staying inside the lines right? Like what, around 10 years old? lol