Sunday, April 23, 2006

Playing "in" the toy box...

You see the last time I went to the doctor he told my Mommy that I am a little on the short side. All I know is I can't reach most of the stuff in the bottom of my toybox, so I had to compromise... I found an easy solution, just climb in! Once I'm inside, I can reach everything, AND it really seems to get everyone elses attention too. I wonder why this is so funny to Mommy and Daddy?

Aren't I smart? I should have thought of this a lot sooner. Now my only problem is, figuring out how to get inside without asking Mommy for help... I'll figure that one out later. In the meantime, Mommy doesn't mind putting me inside. In fact, I think she thinks it is cute. She smiles and runs to get the camera.

Ah, I found what I was looking for. It's right down here...


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