Monday, March 26, 2007

OH wow!!!

This is a gorgeous picture, our friend took this weekend at the wedding. WOW, it is so precious!!!!!!!!!

Our little comedian...

Hana has a Veggie Tales DVD she got for Christmas that is a sing-along. She loves watching and one of our favorite songs on it is Pizza Angel. For all you out there who don't do Veggie Tales or don't know this song, basically Larry is lamenting over the fact that the pizza he ordered is late, very late, and he's craving it. The chorus goes like this...

Pizza Angel please come to me
Tomato sauce and cheese so gooey.
Pizza Angel I'm on my knees...

and so forth! Hana loves it. Well the other night we were going to treat ourselves to dinner out and Hana immediately started yelling "Pizza! Pizza!" as we were headed out the door. Daddy and I had already chosen the restaurant and we knew they had a little pizza on the menu, but it was not our normal pizza restaurant. So we told her she could have pizza and she must have assumed we were going to that restaurant. When we pulled into the parking lot of a different restaurant, from the back seat we heard this lament...

OH NO! Pizza Angel!!!!!!!!!

What a nut!

Then last night we got personal entertainment at dinner. We had Afureru worship and the staff always goes out to eat together afterwards. After Hana finished eating she was playing around the table with everyone and she grabbed the two little menu stands on the table and propped them up on the water pitcher. She proceeded to stand behind it and begin to babble away. We soon realized she was pretending to read a Bible story like we do for children's time at church. We always have the picture posters with the story on the back. She was even switching out the two menus as she read the story, pretending to move to the next poster and next portion of the store. It was so cute! Here is a picture...

She had the whole table entertained. Before it was over she was actually calling out menu items as a part of her story. What a riot!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Note to self...

When teaching your daughter how to say "gas station" be sure to emphasize the "G"!!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I got some video of Hana tonight. She was telling me a HUGE story and speaking mostly in Japanese in one video. There are only a few recognizable words, but she is telling me some story about putting something inside of something small. The other video is of her speaking some English, she was mostly protesting to Daddy singing anything which she does sometimes these days! She's funny, sometimes she wants us to sing and sometimes she doesn't and when she doesn't want us to she REALLY doesn't want us to! Anyways, here is the link to You have to join to see them but it is free...

She LOVES to be wrapped up inside our coats, and she puts her babies inside her clothes and carries them around the same way. You'll see that in the video.

Friday, March 02, 2007

The little character that poots...

In our city, there is a city bus system and they have a little character painted on the side of their bus. He looks like this...

As we drive around town, every time Hana sees him she giggles and says "Mommy, boy pooting!!!" She must thing the little shadow below him represents gas! I think it is incredibly smart that she came up with that on her own but also hilarious!

What a riot!