Friday, March 21, 2008

Hide 'n Go Seek, Hana style!!!

Yesterday we some how ended up playing a game of hide 'n go seek in our house, just the three of us. Hana has yet to really get the point of this game, not sure why. But here is how it goes with Hana...

Hana says, "Mommy count!"

So I start counting and she and Daddy take off to hide. As soon as I finish counting Hana happily bursts out of her hiding place and comes running for me! She loves it! The point for her is to hide! She's had her fun, why wait for someone to come and find her? Then she joins me in going to find Daddy.

We tried explaining to her that she needs to stay where she is until we find her.

Then she declares it is Daddy's turn to count. So we try again. As soon as Daddy finsihes counting out she comes, happy as a lark to have hidden! AND in the exact same place as the time before. Then they set off together to find me.

We went through this several times. The only time she would stay in her hiding place until she was found was if I stayed with her. But even then, it was still the exact same hiding place as before!

You just gotta love it! It totally cracks me up, and some day she'll play like normal and it won't be this cute! I love this age!!!

1 comment:

Cher said...

Isn't that great? Jaci made up her own similar rules to the game. But they think it is fun that way.
Just don't get worried one day when she "gets it" and she's not coming out from somewhere and you're madly searching for her in a worried way because she's never done that before...!!!
Very cute that she's enjoying it HER way.