Saturday, November 01, 2008

First game of Go Fish!

My dearest cousin Robynn is here right now and she's got the gift of teaching a child. The other night she got Hana interested in playing cards and before long they were playing Go Fish! I was amazed that Hana could do it. For months and months and months I have been trying to get her to want to know her numbers again (she used to know them all and then totally lost interest). This has been PERFECT for getting her to review her numbers. She has 6 and 9 mixed up and for the life of her sometimes can't remeber 10, but otherwise she does great with the game!

Here are some pics of her playing!

"Yes, Mommy, I have a 3, here ya go!"

"hmmmmmm, which card should I ask for?"

"I'll ask for THIS ONE!"

"Oh, wait a minute, is this a 6 or a 9???"

"I got a match!"

"I WIN!!!!!!!!"

She's a great sport. If she doesn't win, it's no big deal. She encourages others if they get sad cause they aren't doing so well. And she is so happy when she has a card in her hand that you asked for! She loves to give her cards away! It is so fun to be able to play games together. She's wanted to play everyday since she learned how! Thanks Robynn for getting my girl interested in her numbers again!


Dianne said...

Good job, Hana!!

Unknown said...

Seeing her play cards like this, makes her look SO big!