Sunday, July 02, 2006

More fun pics...

I have a whole slew of cousins! And they all love me to pieces! We have had a great time hanging out together and playing!!!

It was especially interesting to go watch my cousin Hayden do Karate! He was counting in Japanese and bowing and greeting people. I got so excited, and I was proud of him!

And this is my cousin Shane! I love him so much. We played together and he gave me lots of hugs and kisses. He's such a sweet guy, just like his big brother Hayden!

And the other really fun thing I got to do at my cousins Hayden's and Shane's house...

learn to DUNK the basketball!!!

I went to see Mim and Grandad in DeLeon too! Mim and I loved to play the piano together.

and I just loved Grandad to pieces (I think he liked me a little bit too)!!!

One other really fun part of this trip is meeting a bunch of Mommy and Daddy's old friends who now have kids too! That means more PLAY TIME!!!!!!! Yippeee!!!

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