Saturday, July 29, 2006

What a personality!

Hana is sooooooooooo full of personality. It is so fun to see, she LOVES people and LOVES being in a group. She is just like her Daddy!

A few weeks back she suddenly decided one day that Rocky is "Daddy" and not "DaDa". I couldn't believe it was such a sudden change, but she always says Daddy now. I miss it and I will be sad when mama becomes Mommy, if it ever does.

I'm also very sad that baby bed days are gone. She is in an open bed now (her baby bed left open like a big girl bed) and I just can't believe it. She made that transition herself too, she just didn't want to be down in that baby bed after sleeping on the floor and in the open so much the past weeks. I've been worried about her getting up by herself at night or in the morning, but she doesn't. At nap time and bed time, she stays put, and when she wakes up, she waits for us to come and get her. She never gets up herself. It amazes me.

She's precious!!!

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