Thursday, January 25, 2007

A long awaited update...

Well, I finally put aside some time today to download pics off of the camera and put them here for y'all to see!!! She's growing up so fast, she is 2 years and 5 months this week! I can not believe it. I was looking back through all her albums on the adoption website the other day and times has flown by so fast, but it seems unreal to me that she was ever that small.

She has gotten so independent. Poor thing gets so frustrated because she wants to do things by herself but can't yet! And Mommy is the bad guy when I force her to let me help her (like when she needs to go teetee and get can't her pants down and get up on the potty by herself). It's funny but frustrating at the same time. But Mommy really loves the fact that she is so determined to do things herself! That's a great attitude to have! She has mastered putting on her shoes by herself, and can sometimes put on pants. She is pretty good at undressing alone. But Mommy's favorite part, she eats all by herself now!!! Next step, making it herself? (that's year away right!)

Her vocabulary is beyond what I can keep up with now. She is picking up lots of words a day, and sentences are getting longer and longer. There are days I think her English is stronger and days it seems like all she speaks is Japanese. I bet that means there is a pretty good balance. Her knowledge of the alphabet is amazing and can identify them randomly if you point to any letter anywhere, and she recognizes a few words (because of a video she watches). We continue to do preschool, and lots of other activities for learning. She loves to learn and that is great! She sang along with me on the ABC's the other night in the bath.

Here's the pics for ya, enjoy!

Gig Em Aggies!!!!!!! (a cheerleader for Mommy's college! Thanks Gram and Gramps)

A wedding we attended recently. The bride was name "pretty, pretty" according to Hana!

Let's go home Daddy!
Hana had to have an apron and head cover for her preschool class this week so Mommy made them for her. It is sooooooo sweet when she wears it. This is Hana baby doing the dishes for Mommy!

1 comment:

Melody said...

Marla, she is so BEAUTIFUL! I just love seeing the pictures of her!