Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Lots of new words...

Thankfully most of them are in English! Today I have noticed especially that she has lots of new words. And some of them are funny.

Until now she has played peek-a-boo in Japanese (inai-inai-ba) but recently a friend played it in English with her little girl and Hana picked up on it. Now she says "peep-a-ba!" using the Japanese ending of ba, with peek-a-boo! too cute.

Some other new words and phrases...
cumbers (cucumbers - her FAVORITE food)
and more I can't remember right now

She loves brushing her teeth too and comes to me saying "mama..." and then sticks her finger in her mouth and rubs it back and forth on her teeth! Makes me laugh almost every time.

She has stepped up her pretend play a lot the last couple days. Yesterday she came to me and said "mommy, money" and held her hand out. She had a bag on her shoulder and she pointed at the door and said go. So I went along and asked her if she was going shopping and she said "yea" and asked for money again. So I handed her some pretend money and off she went. In a few minutes she came in yelling "okaeri" (means "welcome home" it is what the person inside the house is supposed to say to you in Japanese when you get home. The person returning is supposed ot say "tadaima" but she uses the wrong word, so cute) She came and showed me what she bought and asked for more money. I pretended to pull more out of my pocket and give it to her and off she went again. She did this over and over again. Then she did it again this evening. It is so cute how she packs up a bag before she leaves. And today she went so far as to ask for the car keys! OH MY, asking for money and the car ALREADY! I'm not ready for this!

I have also noticed that when she is coloring and drawing, she now names what she is drawing or has drawn. Today some scribbled squiggly lines were a plane and a bow-wow. Quite the imagination. She also did finger painting today and was telling me what things she was painting. This is new, until now she asks us to draw those things for her.

We haven't had any accidents and a long while! She is a pro at the potty!

we are doing great!

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