Sunday, September 10, 2006

Expressing more

Hana is sooooooooo cute! One of the things she said to me today that I thought took some creativity to come up with is... "chicken atsui bye-bye" atsui means hot in Japanese. She was saying the chicken is not hot anymore. I thought that was such a smart way to express that.

We had another perfect potty day, after two accidents late yesterday (I think). I can't figure out if one of them was a teetee accident, OR a spilled drink. but I had to clean it up either way, so I count it as an accident, in her CAR SEAT no less!!!

She's doing pretty good about telling us she needs to go, but I still have to take her from time to time against her will, especially when she is busy and distracted by a lot of people. She is just like her Daddy, LOVES to be around people, and stops being aware of EVERYTHING else in the world when with a group of her favorite people.

She is such an odd mix of being shy and other times not being the least bit scared of a stranger. Today she went straight to two men she doesn't know. They were both sweethearts, and she can spot a sweet man from a mile away. She just KNOWS! I pray she keeps that up and ALWAYS only wants to have anything to do with sweethearts.

We start home preschool tomorrow. I just pray I can keep it up, I have three weeks planned out. This week we study A, next week B, and next week C. I have a game or an art project, songs and Bible lessons planned. It will only take about an hour or so each morning. But I thought it would be good for us, sort of a trial homeschool venture! It will be interesting to see how she responds to it. I don't know if she is going to like the structure or not. As structured as games and playing with letters can be for a two year old. But we'll see!

1 comment:

Sonia said...


chicken atsui bye-bye is sooooo kawaiiiiiii! ^_^
